I'm sure everybody remember the phrase 'Tipah tertipu' from the Ali Setan movie 1985. even there's a song by ruffedge using this phrase. I'm sure ya remember the actor

guess what, he was at my sister's house last saturday. Not as an actor, just to visist and share some idea's 'bout religous. Actually we are having 'Majlis berbuka Puase and Solat terawikh'.

Well is not that happening actually. is just a small event. not many people came. For the breaking fast and solat maghrib event, there only 5 people came including Azmil mustafa and his son. My sister make udang kunyit, ayam percik and sayur kobis.Side dish popiah and kuih bakar.
Terawikh start after isya'. So at around 10pm. other people start coming and we start with solat isya' and terawikh. In the middle of terawikh, there's a break. giv way for Azmil to share his thought. It was really interesting. he's actually doing his documentary about muslim people lives in EU. He discover a lot while his here. he also talks about calender base on sun and the moon. neva thought bout that before. the different between hijrah calendar and the normal calendar we use. then continue with the rest of solat terawikh and witir.
After that, we having moreh. There's a lot more dishes like bubur kacang, lepat pisang, apam balik, .. etc. they said, no need to go home to malaysia to have all this. haha.
everybody go home at half 12. .. ok thats all ..
1 comment:
saye ade bg u award. nanti amek eh. :)
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