.. on 28june.. setahun lebih tue dr thn lepas. i didn't expect anythg this year. i even turn off my birthday reminder to others kat fenster. but i manage to finished the whole quran before 12am before my birthday. kire cam give i present to myself la. none of my femeli wish me. but i dnt mind. no big deal. is just birthday. but somebody remember. i'm not surprise at all. i was at my sisters house on tht nite. it was friday 27th june. i had a game the next day, on my birthday. a soccer match. i didn't to go to my sisters tht day my sister need my favor to baby sit her kids. i was tired and kinda sick. but for the sake of my sister, i come to her house. sian my sister. time² tu la die bole rilek² skit layan movie ke ape kan. kalu tak kene layan bebudak tuh jek. anyway bagus gak, while i get them to sleep i can finished the quran. at 12am i got wishes from my housemate, azam n hoosaint. cool huh.
the next day, the day begin. my sister having a barbeque but i can't be around coz i got a game to play. the game start at 1pm and my sisters plan for the bbq at 3pm. well it's ok. i bet the the food will still be there and i still can have some. since my sister and my bro in law going to city ctr so they send me home to jervis. it was 10am. still early. everybody still asleep. i sorted things out. do my laundry, pack my things for the game. then surprisingly one by one wish me birthday. feel so happy. now all frens in Jervis 19 & jervis 8 knows. anyway.. about the soccer match.. i team up with GBE-Jervis. so we kinda represent jervis place. hehe. actually our team are GBE. till now i still dnt know whats that stand for. so, since this is futsal game, so we devide into 2 team. GBE-kings and GBE-jervis. they named they're team kings coz they all lives in Kings Court(just for those who don't noe). then at about 2pm the game start. biase la melayu. janji kol 1, sejam lepas tu baru start.janji melayu memang lambat skit. kene adapt la menda² nih. held at sportsco Shelbourne Park. there were only 5 teams. gbe-jervis, gbe-kings, Budiman Cergas(team senior), team junior, team medic student.. untuk memendekkan. since they all know it's my birthday, they(my teamate) promise to win the game. Guess what, we won all game. not a single draw or lose. like they all said 'menang all'. hehe. i dnt know if it's my birthday luck or what. but i do play as hard as i can. Second place goes to GBE-Kings. this is the first time we play againts each other. since we suppose to b in the same team. usually when we sent 2 team like this, only one of us go through final round. anyway we won. So there goes my first present. feel so proud.

i was kinda sick. getting worst after the match. but my sister asked me to come to her house. even though there's only a bit left.. thts what she said. so, i went home take shower and everythg. then i took a bus to my sister's house in blanchards. then suddenly.... 'Surprise..!!' they all actually waiting for me. my sister and family, with all my sisters friends and neighbors. not many but enough to make me happy. they sang me birthday song. The BBQ was actually made for me. they waited for me the whole day. i'm so touch. i don't remember anybody in the family do a function like this for me before and i got present. usually my parent, on our birthday i mean my bro n sis, we kinda have it in the mosque. i know it suppose to be better, but honestly, no one knows its a kenduri for my birthday. Just the Imam say the 'doa' for me where nobody notice it and have nasi beriani or any food. but it just looks like a normal function every week in the mosque. well this time is a surprise party. i got cool present from my sister. neva got a present like this before in my life. was the best present eva. Maybe i was going to get one only that i dnt have enough to buy it now. i was gonna cry but i control myself. hehe. it was great. Sue's Family, Leko's family, Pakku's family and Dhar's family were there. i ate so much. too bad i was not feeling very well. so i'm kinda sleep a bit early.
the next day, 29th June 2008. i promise Syebi to meet her for the last time in Ireland. she's gone home to malayisa for good. Really miss her though. So, i went home to Jervis a bit early. Usually i went home after dinner at my sisters. as i reach home i text Syebi that i already there. Everyone was at home. Azam, Hoosaint, Amin, Fydu. they all playing airguns and witing for the Final match German vs Spain. not much to say. plus i'm not in good condition. well fydu just wish me since i haven't seen him for 2 days. then somebody buzz. i've thought it was Syebi. coz she said she wanna hang out for a while before her flight the next day. fydu when down to get her. i Really didn't expect anythg. suddenly.. 'surprise!!' another surprise from Hanna, Miera, Syebi, and my housemate. i didn't know they planned for this. hhahahah.. there's chocolate cake and Caramel(ask Hanna for Recipe). i don't know what to say. cool giler. I have something like this last year. i didn't expect to get it this year. hehe. cool huh. .. Dinner was ready.. Amin cooked that night and we all eat while watching the Final Euro game. Spain won. haha. after that we play Wii. Wii Fit. cool..
So there's goes my birthday... So here, i would like to thanks all that involve. Hanna, Miera, Sybei, My Housmate, My Family, Eveybody who came to my Sister's BBQ, and all wish me and remembered. Thank you all. Love you guys... thank a lot. Really appreciate it. thank again..
the next day, the day begin. my sister having a barbeque but i can't be around coz i got a game to play. the game start at 1pm and my sisters plan for the bbq at 3pm. well it's ok. i bet the the food will still be there and i still can have some. since my sister and my bro in law going to city ctr so they send me home to jervis. it was 10am. still early. everybody still asleep. i sorted things out. do my laundry, pack my things for the game. then surprisingly one by one wish me birthday. feel so happy. now all frens in Jervis 19 & jervis 8 knows. anyway.. about the soccer match.. i team up with GBE-Jervis. so we kinda represent jervis place. hehe. actually our team are GBE. till now i still dnt know whats that stand for. so, since this is futsal game, so we devide into 2 team. GBE-kings and GBE-jervis. they named they're team kings coz they all lives in Kings Court(just for those who don't noe). then at about 2pm the game start. biase la melayu. janji kol 1, sejam lepas tu baru start.janji melayu memang lambat skit. kene adapt la menda² nih. held at sportsco Shelbourne Park. there were only 5 teams. gbe-jervis, gbe-kings, Budiman Cergas(team senior), team junior, team medic student.. untuk memendekkan. since they all know it's my birthday, they(my teamate) promise to win the game. Guess what, we won all game. not a single draw or lose. like they all said 'menang all'. hehe. i dnt know if it's my birthday luck or what. but i do play as hard as i can. Second place goes to GBE-Kings. this is the first time we play againts each other. since we suppose to b in the same team. usually when we sent 2 team like this, only one of us go through final round. anyway we won. So there goes my first present. feel so proud.
the next day, 29th June 2008. i promise Syebi to meet her for the last time in Ireland. she's gone home to malayisa for good. Really miss her though. So, i went home to Jervis a bit early. Usually i went home after dinner at my sisters. as i reach home i text Syebi that i already there. Everyone was at home. Azam, Hoosaint, Amin, Fydu. they all playing airguns and witing for the Final match German vs Spain. not much to say. plus i'm not in good condition. well fydu just wish me since i haven't seen him for 2 days. then somebody buzz. i've thought it was Syebi. coz she said she wanna hang out for a while before her flight the next day. fydu when down to get her. i Really didn't expect anythg. suddenly.. 'surprise!!' another surprise from Hanna, Miera, Syebi, and my housemate. i didn't know they planned for this. hhahahah.. there's chocolate cake and Caramel(ask Hanna for Recipe). i don't know what to say. cool giler. I have something like this last year. i didn't expect to get it this year. hehe. cool huh. .. Dinner was ready.. Amin cooked that night and we all eat while watching the Final Euro game. Spain won. haha. after that we play Wii. Wii Fit. cool..
So there's goes my birthday... So here, i would like to thanks all that involve. Hanna, Miera, Sybei, My Housmate, My Family, Eveybody who came to my Sister's BBQ, and all wish me and remembered. Thank you all. Love you guys... thank a lot. Really appreciate it. thank again..
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