Monday, July 28, 2008

driving theory test

sabtu yg lepas bukan baru nih nyer.. 19hb patutnye kene amik test provisional kete(theory Driving test). lesen msia dh ade. cume nak lesen sini, so senang la skit kalu nak sewa kete kat sini ke, nak pakai kete kakak ke dan lain². anyway. dh booking sebulan lebih awal. preparation memang terbaik. siap pinjam buku & dvd utk preparation test tuh. hari jummat tu iaitu sehari seblom amik test, balik keje trus bukak komputer study la menda tuh. tak benti sampai kol 2pagi dr 6ptg. esoknye bangun tido lepas mandi trus bukak lagi study cam nk amik peksa ACCA lak. anyway, test tu kol 11:15am. so tak nak la masok lambat. so kuar kol 10. smpai sane kol 10.25am. jap agi. tgk cam tutup. betul ker tempat tuh? kat adress print fr email mmg tulis parnell street, dublin1. siap ade tulis kat junction mane sume. tp tutup. cam tak logik. kat email tu exactly tulis add, time & date. ade no 1890... try call tak dapat ade awek irish yg angkat ckp tepon time office hour jek. aduh tensen. tanye org keliling.. ade yg taktau, ade yg tak penah dengar pun. ade sorang pakcik tua ni tau, biase la otai.. die kate confirm tempat nih la add tuh. dah tensen confirm tertipu, so balik la umah. bukak komputer tgk, mmg confirm alamat dh pindah ke santry on the 4th july. apsal tak dpt surat or email ke kate dh pindah kan. kan wat menyusahkan org. bile ari senin call, yg bole die ckp 'i'm sorry for not informed ya earlier and sorry for all the hassle'. tp penat lelah kite sume sape nk tanggung. cukup ke ckp sorry jek. aduh... tensen gile. nasib baik tak ckp suh bayar lagi. kalu tak, nak jek bakar office driving test tuh.. ..


nananane said...


sorry naik lorry la kate kat die.

tapi kan, sorry memang kedengaran sangat mudah bagi mangsa yang mendengar. tapi sebenarnya nak cakap sorry tu susah.

because we know we're wrong and we could do nothing to turn back time and correct it.

if only we could, but since we couldn't so we say sorry.

p.s: kalau nak bakar tempat tu jangan lupa pakai topeng dan glove.

harris said...

tu la. ingat nk ckp camtu gak. takut die tak paham la plak.
recently ni byk tul kejadian menyakitkan hati camni.i take it as dugaan. thank for the advice anyway. i'm not gonna burn the place coz i've book another test on the 16th. they assure that i get the right place and time for this one. if not i'm gonna sue the place or just do like i was plan(burn the place) haha.