recently a fren of mine asked me. his name is Wan(not real name). 'wut da ya think, is man or women is more important'.. i said both are important. i know he's gonna said diff coz he's kinda always hv diff thought and always like to argue. 'i noe both important, but which one is more important?'he continue asking.. i think for a second. i really can't tell. coz i think both plays important part of life. to be honest i really think that both equally the same. he said that he was been asked with the same question from his fren. his fren said tht womens is more important. but he said mens are more important. his fren said women gave birth to all of us. well my fren said as we all know from wut we'v learn in religous womens came from the back bone of our Prophet Adam a.s. to defends his argument. then his fren said again.. o b4 tht his fren is a guy. not a girl. ok his fren said womens carry us 9month on their belly. then my fren said but mens take care of the rest... the argument tool like two three hours without any conclusion he said.. well he still want my opinion. i still think tht both are important. if we list down all the things that womens and mens should or should not do.. i don't know how many books should we write. even in religous also said tht everyone is equal. god create us so perfect. everyone is the same. men, women, tall, short, rich, poor, smart, stupid, handsome/pretty, ugly.. maybe they are good in part but bad in other part. maybe smart but not pretty. maybe tall but can't walk properly... i think ya guys know wut im tryna say... .. oh no.. need to study.. exams this friday.. wish me luck..
first of all, i am not good with equation.
but i think the issue bout who's more important; women or man?
is the same like asking, what's more important; makan atau buang air besar?
dua dua penting. at the time you want to makan you think makan is more important. but at the time you want to buang air besar, you'll say buang air besar is more important.
as for me, there's no exact answer. it depends on the situation. because human needs what they need and they call it important at the time they need it.
have a nice day.
ish.. betul sey. thank you very much. exactly the answer i've been lookin' for. thanks.. nak tepon member tu skang gak.. hehe.. bole gune ayat ni utk memacam nih.. thnks again.
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