pasal lagu sebelah ni. penah dgr tak? name of band is 'Hypnotic brass ensemble'. nama pun dah brass so memamng la bunyi cam kumpulan pancaragam skolah STF or SIGS,VI, MTD.. etc. tp lagu² ni mmg menghypnotic diri ini la. actually i discover the band waktu tu pulang dari kerja. naik Luas(commuter). benti kat stephen green. so kene la jalan kaki. mase lalu kat grafton street tu.. biasa la org basking ape sume kan. jap agi tgk ade org kerumun reramai kat satu group ni. usually kalu ade ramai kumpul camtu mesti best. so i stop by. there's this one group
of black people yg dressup Hip hop memegang alat² brass dan drum kecik.salah sorang dari mereka tgh citer ape ntah mase tuh.. i think they telling bout their touring around europe. they kinda like citer a bit 'bout themselve. i didnt actually listen to wut they said sbb they about to start playin'. and it was fantastic. i was really hypnotize.. i think they were playin song called WAR. diorang just main satu lagu jek.. coz its just a promo for their show that nite. but i didnt go to tht show malam tu.lagipun penat. mase tu bulan 11 camtu la. so malam agak cepat gak la. so i malas nak hangout kat luar lelame. so i went home. mase balik umah i start search la band . diorang dr us. pastu diorang ni adik beradik cume sorang jek bukan. tp dh kire cam adik beradik gak

jadi diorang ni la yg meneruskan perjuangan ayah diorang tuh.mcm cool la. cam nyesal lak tak beli cd die time tuh. pastu cam nyesal lak tak gi gig die malam tuh. pastu tiap ari pasang ni kat youtube. gabungan trompet,trombone, dan segala tromb termasok drums, menjadi satu bunyi yg sungguh menikam kalbu. start from tht i search some other band yg lebih kurang camtu la. pastu ade jumpe satu band dari jepun. diorang main trompet ni sume gak. tp diorang tu mmg totally ikut style mods.bukan mods yg skinhead tu. tp tak tau la kan. mungkin gak. pasal even skindhead mods kat malaysia pun byk jek tukar gerne selepas beberapa kes yg tidak diingini berlaku melibatkan diorang ni. tp munkin band tu tak kot. style dressup ape sume same la cam mods. cume nampak diorang ni just musician jek kot. nama band tu.. confirm tak ingat... bukan nama band tu confirmed tak ingat, i just said tht i terforgot..anyway. try la cari lagu² jenis camni kat youtube. mesti cool.. start ngan band HYPNOTIC BRASS ENSEMBLE dulu. ok.. try k..
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