Thursday, June 12, 2008

im sick..

it's terrible when ya sick especially when it comes in package.. sore throat, earache, nose block.... ya can't do anythg. ya head spinning, ya can't think properly. hate it. No point goin to clinic. doctor just gave perscription to buythis and tht. Consultation cost €60 plus medicine .. total around €80-€100..i can buy lot's of thing wit tht kinda money. So wut i did was go to pharmacy, asked for chesty cough syrup and sore throat lozenge extra insentive n panadol extra. cost me €20. what else i can do. feel bored. can't go to the gym. gettin fat. feels so annoying. whut should i do.. i better get rest.. a lot. tommorow? i'm not goin to work..

Monday, June 9, 2008

back to work..

today the 9th june. so lazy to go to work. the office still look the same. my desk..still the same, with all the file on the table. must be Matthew. he always mess thgs up. everyone knows. hehe. but he's smart. too smart. but disorganize and kelam kabut. sometimes he's kinda cool. but most of the time he like crazy. but compare to John ( my boss)...hhhmm.. the same. i remember kareljan said john's abnoctious.. how abnoctious.. i dnt noe. i met people more abnoctious than that. even worst than tht. i think he's good person. well he's very religous for his religous ofcourse. always go the church. do charity. only tht he love say the F word. but thts common for irish. everybody says tht. if we notice we malaysian also says somethg tht impolite too like 'sial' or 'p*nt$%'..i dnt noe bout ya guys but most of my fren says tht. is just tht when it is too common, it'll become ok to do so.anyway, john is a good person actually. he's just a act like a bully just to tease people especially the girls. hahah. then there's another irish in the office name Jonathan. he's exams was last week. so he came back to work last week on wednesday. he's actually deaf. but he's wearing hearing aid since 2006 to hear things. really hard to understand him most of the time. and he's kinda Gagap, coz myb he just learn how to talk in 2006. plus irish slang kinda weird sometimes. especially John coz he's from the north. i dnt understand what he's saying sometimes.. uummpp most of the time.hehe. like when i listen to pure kelantanese conversation. i dnt understand anythg. hehe. always need them to repeat bck the word they said. then there's carolin. she's new. just 3 month join our company. she's from sweeden. her english very good. myb coz her bf is irish. or myb she's been here long enough. i dnt know her much. but fr wut i see, she's confident, looks arrogant but not & she's old. haha. alex.. maternity leave. she's polish. then Yuliya. her desk next to mine. talkative. always talk. sometimes feel sorry for her. she's only child. come all the way from ukraine just to be wit somebody she knows fr internet. can ya believe it. wut if tht guy wanna sell her or a phsyco killer. who knows. always complaint this n tht. everybody is wrong. she always rite... but sometimes feel really sorry coz she dnt hv any frens i think. and then there five other employee. all malaysian. i dnt know y john hired a lot of malaysian. myb coz we are polite, humble. very soft. easy to giv orders without objection. but one thing not good. especially the girls.. always talk behind especially bout john. aaahh.. i think everybody does it. only they're too obvious and too much. hahah. but it's ok sometimes. i too joined them sometimes hahah.. .. and im tired.. bye

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lucy oh lucy..

(ekceli entri ni dh lame dh (aug2007) tp baru dipost kan. saje jek rase cam post jek la. wut the hell)

fulamak awek yg aku usha ni mmg terbaik la. lame dh aku stat usha. rase dh dkt 2 bulan. muke cam Julia Rais pun ade. macam spanish, macam plakon bollywood pun ade. tp confirm bukan irish. body terbaik. pastu dengan dress-up die ape sume, mmg terbaik la, i mean pakaian seragam Gym la. slalunyer die akan pakai cam top pastu sluar track fit. nampak la 6 pack. tak tinggi & tak rendah. ngam² untuk org asia la. almost everytime aku kat gym mesti aku nampak die. confirm kalu aerobick start jek aku trus gi kat belah basikal tuh, pasal tempat basikal tu betul² sebelah bilik erobik. so bole nampak lebih jelas la awek tu. mmg aku rase die ni kalu tak atlit mesti jenis² fitness nyer org. aku pun pikir lelame.. die ni org mane eh. tiap² ari aku cam nak jek tanye die, bual² ke , mintak no phone ke kan.. tapi cam takut pun ade. tak penah lak aku try awek foreigner. awek m'sia slalu gak kaco mase kat m'sia dulu. even awek m'sia kat sini pun aku cam tak brani kaco. tengok sume cam jenis klass atasan jek. aku kat sini cam selekeh jek. nk compare ngan bebudak lain confirm aku paling tak pandai dressup. tu awek m'sia.. ni awek spain..cemane nak ayat. ape bole wat.. usha jek la. tp aku slalu gak terbayang, buatnye aku terjadi berani lak kan, slamba bomba aku ayat awek nih. lagi satu pasal aku takut kang buatnye boyfren die ade kat area² situ tak mampos aku. dh ler yg kat dlm tu sume badan mak oi.. ketak² sume. takat badan cam Jazz ke, azral ker, tu byk gile. yg lagi besar lagi ade. aku yg fat byk gile kat pinggan pastu ngan lengan takat besar ni jek .. nak gi ayat awek tuh? bole ker.. nk ke awek tu layan. muke.. hensem gak la aku ni. takde la huduh sangat. pasal awek ni gak la aku cam semangat nk dtg gym hehehe..jadi bile awek tu ade , cam laju jek aku lari,basikal. kalu tak aku malas nk berbasikal ke ape sume yg berkaitan ngan cardio. cemane nk kurus kalu tak cardio. jadi awek ni ade bole la aku sambil² berbasikal sambil usha awek ni. kire cam sumber inspirasi la.
semalam, seperti biase aku gi gym & seperti biase aku start ngan tredmill dulu, pastu bile stat jek erobik aku trus pindah ke basikal. alangkah best nyer.. huhuh.. dpt tengok jek pun cukup la.. pastu baru aku stat ngan weight...tadi aku gi lambat skit kat gym tu. pasal aku rase arini takde klass erobik. ade klass lain. so awek tu takde. so aku ingat nk dtg lambat skit. trus wat weight lifting. aku balik umah dulu, lepak jap, makan² coklat amin bawak dr sweeden. bukak komputer jap, layan Just for Laugh kat youtube.. tu yang terlajak sampai kol 8.15pm baru gerak. slalu paling lambat pun aku gi gym kol 7.30pm. aku tak bawak pun perkakas lain. aku just pakai sluar track canterbury,t-shirt, kasut quicksilver ngan mp3 sony aku. oo ade wrist band satu kat tangan kanan pasal aku slalu sakit² tangan. slalunye aku bawak bag, dalam penuh la, ngan tuala besar & kecik, sluar/baju spare, gogle utk mandi swimming, sluar swimming, bedak, perfume, deodorant..etc. sesampai jek aku kat gym.. seperti biase aku masok id aku kat komputer screen tuh.. jap agi aku terpandang seorang awek ni. eh! ni awek yg slalu aku usha tu. apsal nampak cam lain jek. aku tengok betul², confirm die la. pastu aku amati betul² eh apsal die pakai baju same cam baju instructor aku nama monica. even monica pun ade kat sebelah die.. nape die tak pakai baju cam slalu die pakai. die ni jadi instructor kat sini ker.. alamak.. cemane ni.. ni berite best ke tak best. cam best pun ade, cam tak best pun ade. cam tak best pasal takkan nk tekel instructor.. eh tak bole ker.. hhmm wateva la.. yg best nyer, ade la alasan aku kalu nk tanye die pape.. aku siap jumpe Jeb(member kat gym). die pun cakap takleh hendel tgk awek ni. tu la ..bukan aku sorang ckp. ... belom pape lagi aku dh tgk sorang mamat poyo ni bole cam nk berkenalan lak ngan die. aku dh peratikan lama mamat ni. cam jenis player jek. byk gak aku tgk die cam nk tekel awek² cun kat gym nih. takde la hensem mane. badan ok la. tp aku rase aku hensem lagi kot..hehe. ceh.. tak puas ati aku.. trus aku wat plan. die tgh blaja ngan monica induct members baru join gym. so sambil die wat induction tu, aku follow jek mane machine die tgh induct hehe. aku pun trus la terpikir, ni kalu aku wat² tanye pape ni best gak nih. tp kang nampak obvious sgt kalu direct tanye die. ni la pluang aku . oo aku ade idea. aku gi wat² tanye monica pasal training aku. pastu baru leh selit² tanye die.. tactic aku menjadi. hehe.. akhirnye aku tau nama die... nama die Lucy.. lucy ape ntah.. lupe. asal dr brazil. yang best nyer die siap cakap, muke aku ni cam org spain. ade ker..? hehehe. aku pun blakon la skit. ' yeah some people thought so, they think im from france but im not' cam tu la lebih kurang ayat aku tadi. hehe.. pastu die citer la die dh 2 bulan lebih kat sini. aku pun cakap la.. ' i've seen ya a lot from the aerobick class that i joined smtimes'. ceh kencing skit.. padahal tak penah join pun class tuh. just tgk dari luar jek. jadi byk gak la menda aku citer ngan die. monica lak( instructor ) cam ade keje nk wat. so die cam biarkan aku ngan die. jadi byk la menda aku citer. .. ekceli die mmg members sblom ni. die mintak keje ni dh lame.. like 2 mnth ago.. tp bos tempat tu tak bagi dulu. pasal english die tak bagus langsung. even mase aku bual ngan die cam susah gak die nk paham. jadi aku terpaksa la xplen kat die betul pape aku cakap. yg tak best nye.. die kat sini dtg ngan boyfren die. isk isk isk.. takpe la.. dapat ckp ngan die pun dh best. pastu die mmg atlit. die mmg ade wat klass.. klass renang. patut la figure cantik. cume english die jek kurang best. jadi kesimpulannye aku dpat la akhirnye aku bebual ngan die.. ehheheheh.. jadi sepanjang perjalanan balik aku tadi tersenyum jek la aku. heheh.. ok tu jek aku nk citer.. kalu korang rase tak best .. takpe la.. aku just nk citer jek.. penat dh citer.. esok bos aku ade kat opis.. tadi kot flight die balik dari budapest. so esok takleh la aku mengular.. ok la.. nk tido.. dh lambat lak nih.. bye..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

which is important....

recently a fren of mine asked me. his name is Wan(not real name). 'wut da ya think, is man or women is more important'.. i said both are important. i know he's gonna said diff coz he's kinda always hv diff thought and always like to argue. 'i noe both important, but which one is more important?'he continue asking.. i think for a second. i really can't tell. coz i think both plays important part of life. to be honest i really think that both equally the same. he said that he was been asked with the same question from his fren. his fren said tht womens is more important. but he said mens are more important. his fren said women gave birth to all of us. well my fren said as we all know from wut we'v learn in religous womens came from the back bone of our Prophet Adam a.s. to defends his argument. then his fren said again.. o b4 tht his fren is a guy. not a girl. ok his fren said womens carry us 9month on their belly. then my fren said but mens take care of the rest... the argument tool like two three hours without any conclusion he said.. well he still want my opinion. i still think tht both are important. if we list down all the things that womens and mens should or should not do.. i don't know how many books should we write. even in religous also said tht everyone is equal. god create us so perfect. everyone is the same. men, women, tall, short, rich, poor, smart, stupid, handsome/pretty, ugly.. maybe they are good in part but bad in other part. maybe smart but not pretty. maybe tall but can't walk properly... i think ya guys know wut im tryna say... .. oh no.. need to study.. exams this friday.. wish me luck..

Monday, June 2, 2008


pasal lagu sebelah ni. penah dgr tak? name of band is 'Hypnotic brass ensemble'. nama pun dah brass so memamng la bunyi cam kumpulan pancaragam skolah STF or SIGS,VI, MTD.. etc. tp lagu² ni mmg menghypnotic diri ini la. actually i discover the band waktu tu pulang dari kerja. naik Luas(commuter). benti kat stephen green. so kene la jalan kaki. mase lalu kat grafton street tu.. biasa la org basking ape sume kan. jap agi tgk ade org kerumun reramai kat satu group ni. usually kalu ade ramai kumpul camtu mesti best. so i stop by. there's this one group of black people yg dressup Hip hop memegang alat² brass dan drum kecik.salah sorang dari mereka tgh citer ape ntah mase tuh.. i think they telling bout their touring around europe. they kinda like citer a bit 'bout themselve. i didnt actually listen to wut they said sbb they about to start playin'. and it was fantastic. i was really hypnotize.. i think they were playin song called WAR. diorang just main satu lagu jek.. coz its just a promo for their show that nite. but i didnt go to tht show malam tu.lagipun penat. mase tu bulan 11 camtu la. so malam agak cepat gak la. so i malas nak hangout kat luar lelame. so i went home. mase balik umah i start search la band . diorang dr us. pastu diorang ni adik beradik cume sorang jek bukan. tp dh kire cam adik beradik gak

bapak die ade kurgiran cam ni gak

jadi diorang ni la yg meneruskan perjuangan ayah diorang tuh.mcm cool la. cam nyesal lak tak beli cd die time tuh. pastu cam nyesal lak tak gi gig die malam tuh. pastu tiap ari pasang ni kat youtube. gabungan trompet,trombone, dan segala tromb termasok drums, menjadi satu bunyi yg sungguh menikam kalbu. start from tht i search some other band yg lebih kurang camtu la. pastu ade jumpe satu band dari jepun. diorang main trompet ni sume gak. tp diorang tu mmg totally ikut style mods.bukan mods yg skinhead tu. tp tak tau la kan. mungkin gak. pasal even skindhead mods kat malaysia pun byk jek tukar gerne selepas beberapa kes yg tidak diingini berlaku melibatkan diorang ni. tp munkin band tu tak kot. style dressup ape sume same la cam mods. cume nampak diorang ni just musician jek kot. nama band tu.. confirm tak ingat... bukan nama band tu confirmed tak ingat, i just said tht i terforgot..anyway. try la cari lagu² jenis camni kat youtube. mesti cool.. start ngan band HYPNOTIC BRASS ENSEMBLE dulu. ok.. try k..