ok now.. today.. ooo ooo.. i slept at 6am in the morning considered it today ok. i call my parents, my brother, some frens in malaysia while watching malay movies on youtube. then i sleep. Andy got home, i wake up and take a shower then straight to Eason at O'connel street tryna find book called 'Peace & war' by Leo Tols.. i forgot. hahah. look everywhere in there, couldnt find it. asked the worker, look into the system, No Peace and War by this Leo guy. looked everywhere in other small bookshop aroud city centre. still no luck. so i went to Nirvana shop. bought a skull bong for sourvenir. cool huh. .hhmm.. still not interesting.. but why i'm so excited 'bout today. oo oo. after that, i finally found it. i mean the book. at Waterson bookshop. at Jervis Mall. yippie. the guy in the shop helo me find it. Seems like he knows every book in the store. i just said the book, he simply show exactly where it was. there's 2 of 'em. i mean 2 version. thick and thicker.. both look thick to me. it'll take years for me to read it. hahaha. the worker asked me something bout the book. i said... i dnt read books. haha. not for me. then at the cashier. again. asked me something.. o o.. she said, enjoy the book. i told her i dnt read books. told her is not for me. she said i shud try.it's fun. atleast try something like comedy books or something first. well i dnt think so. i only see cloud when i read long essays. hahah. or i'll read part by part and took me days to finished it. anyway she's cool. ...then i went out the bustop at O'connell street. Ok now the interesting part. ya know. there's a strike. not one, not two, bout for i think. in the middle of city centre of dublin. i saw one bout bankers. then the world issue ' the palestine war' ofcourse. the other bout workers, not sure wut was it bout. then the other really not sure wut was it all bout. intersting huh. 4 strike in a day. that can neva happen in Malaysia. hv a few pictures taken from my phone. will upload it later. ... but tht dnt excite me. why i'm so excited bout today. .. forget it.. i wanna sleep.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
wuts interesting today?
hhmm let me think.... well yesterday, i got up, went to the mosque for friday prayer. revenue office to claim my tax, which there were so many people, so i just fill up the form, put in envelope and post it. easy huh. went to boots, bought a deodorant, pay using my point from my boots card. then hangout wit frens for a coffee at lemon jelly. go straight to my frens house. sleep over. nothing much happen yesterday. same o same o.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
nothing again..
tak tau la nak tulis ape. tiap ari menda same jek. Amik ameera, anta ameera. jaga husayn. basuh pinggan. tido, bangun. men internet.
oo ujung minggu jek skang ni rajin turun town, hangout umh member pastu join diorang men bola then main badminton. cam cool la. lame tak men badminton. slalu kalu kat msia mase keje maybank tiap rabu men badminton ngan bebudak bank. kat situ blaja men badminton. kalu tak sblom tu mmg tangan bangku men badminton. lelame cam ok la. bile men badminton kat sini. ok la. cume sejuk jek la. dlm dewan pun sejuk. tgh main pakai jeket. klaka kan. hahah. tp lelame skit ok la. baru bole bukak jeket. pastu men ngan bebudak ni ok la.. sume lebih kurang jek rupenye. cam mase men ngan bebudak maybank dulu gile skit. sume kaki smash. pastu lincah sume. main ngan org tua kat jb lagi la. diorang skill gile. ingat kan kita yg muda nih bole senang jek titik diorang. rupenya cam nak mati men ngan diorang. mau patah pinggang amik bola diorang. hahah...
apo la memalut nih.. seriously.. nothing interesting lately.. oo everythings pack. another 20 more days.. here i come..
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I quote this from yahoo answer.....
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
We haven't had any decent snow on the west coast for about two years- a couple of days of slushy snow a year is about average. Midlands are colder and they get marginally more snow. Put it this way ,its a real event when it does snow
- 3 years ago
the snow stop yesterday. it melts. hhmm.. but it's snowing again today..
Quote from national forecast..
National Forecast

05 February 2009 05:27
Tonight, most areas will be dry, with clear spells developing, but there will be further scattered wintry showers, most of them in the north and northwest. Bitterly cold, with widespread severe frost and a risk of icy patches, with snow cover in places. Minimum temperatures 0 to minus 5 Celsius.
Very cold, but bright and dry in many areas, with sunny intervals. Further scattered wintry showers of rain, hail, sleet and snow, mostly in the north and northwest. Maximum temperatures 2 to 5 Celsius.
3 Day Outlook
Further occasional wintry showers will affect the north and parts of the west on Friday night, with snowfall on high ground; however, it will be mostly clear elsewhere, with severe or very severe frost setting in widely as northwest winds slacken. Isolated wintry showers will still occur near northern and northwestern coasts on Saturday but the rest of the country will be dry and largely sunny; temperatures will improve a little during the day and winds will be light but it will still feel rather cold. Another hard frost will set in early on Saturday night under clear skies but rain, preceded by sleet or snow, will arrive in the west and southwest later. The mix of rain, sleet and snow will spread to remaining parts of the country during Sunday, with significant snowfall possible in parts of Ulster. A clearance will arrive on Sunday night, with showers affecting northern and western counties, while clearing skies bring frost and possibly ice to other areas as southwest to west winds slacken. Monday next will see wintry showers affecting northern and western coastal counties, outbreaks of rain or sleet in southern counties but mainly dry, bright conditions elsewhere; it will stay rather cold overall but winds should remain light generally. On Monday night, the rain and sleet in the south will clear away but wintry showers will persist in the north and northwest; widespread sharp to severe frost will set in, with a risk of freezing fog patches also.
05 February 2009 05:27
Very cold today, with snow lying in many inland areas and with icy stretches at first. Some sunny spells will develop, especially in the western half of the country, but scattered showers will occur also, some of hail, sleet and snow. Maximum temperatures only 2 to 5 Celsius, in a fresh and gusty northerly wind.
TonightTonight, most areas will be dry, with clear spells developing, but there will be further scattered wintry showers, most of them in the north and northwest. Bitterly cold, with widespread severe frost and a risk of icy patches, with snow cover in places. Minimum temperatures 0 to minus 5 Celsius.
Very cold, but bright and dry in many areas, with sunny intervals. Further scattered wintry showers of rain, hail, sleet and snow, mostly in the north and northwest. Maximum temperatures 2 to 5 Celsius.
3 Day Outlook
Further occasional wintry showers will affect the north and parts of the west on Friday night, with snowfall on high ground; however, it will be mostly clear elsewhere, with severe or very severe frost setting in widely as northwest winds slacken. Isolated wintry showers will still occur near northern and northwestern coasts on Saturday but the rest of the country will be dry and largely sunny; temperatures will improve a little during the day and winds will be light but it will still feel rather cold. Another hard frost will set in early on Saturday night under clear skies but rain, preceded by sleet or snow, will arrive in the west and southwest later. The mix of rain, sleet and snow will spread to remaining parts of the country during Sunday, with significant snowfall possible in parts of Ulster. A clearance will arrive on Sunday night, with showers affecting northern and western counties, while clearing skies bring frost and possibly ice to other areas as southwest to west winds slacken. Monday next will see wintry showers affecting northern and western coastal counties, outbreaks of rain or sleet in southern counties but mainly dry, bright conditions elsewhere; it will stay rather cold overall but winds should remain light generally. On Monday night, the rain and sleet in the south will clear away but wintry showers will persist in the north and northwest; widespread sharp to severe frost will set in, with a risk of freezing fog patches also.
so thts all wanna share today..
p/s: me so jakun... tgk snow banyak2. slalu skit skit jek..
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