Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
di hening pagi yg gelap
Friday, July 17, 2009
An interview...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
comparison muslim womens wear hijab, niqab, free hair...
Is not supposed to be a debate or something. from my observation they're kinda disgreeing wit each other. especially Sonia. even the interviewer kinda objecting people wearing it obviously coz she's not muslim. Only the one wear niqab kinda relax, not complaining. only say thing that were been asked.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Everythings gonna be ok...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Todays topic
i know i heard this from somewhere. it think it's from our phrophets Muhammad (peace be upon him). 'work like we gonna live a thousand years and pray to Allah like we gonna die tomorrow '. easy to understand isn't it. we have to work anyway. to survive. to give to our family and children and to the poor. at the same time we have to pray to Allah and imagine like it is the last prayer that we gonna perform.
Just to remind to you and myself..
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
good luck in Ireland...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Interesting weekends..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
cerita satu hari...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
i just cut my hair..
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
a week in Malaysia..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Humang Ai.. die tulis Arab...
sume tulis Arab. even blogspot ni pun tulis arab. hahah.. nasib baik biase ngan tulisan jawi. kalu ponteng skolah agama dulu cemane lah eh..
anyway, transit for 6 hours. Local time Abu Dhabi is 9.32pm. Ireland time 5.32pm. Msian time 12.32am. will be in KL proximately 12hours 50 min.
tak sabar nk sampai msia. nak makan kat burger king. cam best jek.. uish.. coffee house costa pun tulis arab.. ahahahahhaah.. alamak.. mane si Amin ni.. ok la.. chou dulu..will update later k.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
wuts interesting today?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
nothing again..
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
- 3 years ago
05 February 2009 05:27
Very cold today, with snow lying in many inland areas and with icy stretches at first. Some sunny spells will develop, especially in the western half of the country, but scattered showers will occur also, some of hail, sleet and snow. Maximum temperatures only 2 to 5 Celsius, in a fresh and gusty northerly wind.
TonightTonight, most areas will be dry, with clear spells developing, but there will be further scattered wintry showers, most of them in the north and northwest. Bitterly cold, with widespread severe frost and a risk of icy patches, with snow cover in places. Minimum temperatures 0 to minus 5 Celsius.
Very cold, but bright and dry in many areas, with sunny intervals. Further scattered wintry showers of rain, hail, sleet and snow, mostly in the north and northwest. Maximum temperatures 2 to 5 Celsius.
3 Day Outlook
Further occasional wintry showers will affect the north and parts of the west on Friday night, with snowfall on high ground; however, it will be mostly clear elsewhere, with severe or very severe frost setting in widely as northwest winds slacken. Isolated wintry showers will still occur near northern and northwestern coasts on Saturday but the rest of the country will be dry and largely sunny; temperatures will improve a little during the day and winds will be light but it will still feel rather cold. Another hard frost will set in early on Saturday night under clear skies but rain, preceded by sleet or snow, will arrive in the west and southwest later. The mix of rain, sleet and snow will spread to remaining parts of the country during Sunday, with significant snowfall possible in parts of Ulster. A clearance will arrive on Sunday night, with showers affecting northern and western counties, while clearing skies bring frost and possibly ice to other areas as southwest to west winds slacken. Monday next will see wintry showers affecting northern and western coastal counties, outbreaks of rain or sleet in southern counties but mainly dry, bright conditions elsewhere; it will stay rather cold overall but winds should remain light generally. On Monday night, the rain and sleet in the south will clear away but wintry showers will persist in the north and northwest; widespread sharp to severe frost will set in, with a risk of freezing fog patches also.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
all in one.

ok this is the interview with one of the witness-add 26th Jan 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Mari memboikot. kalu korang nak la..

terpulanglah kepada korang samada nak boikot atau tidak... keputusan ditangan anda
Syarikat : Phillip Morris
Produk : Rokok dan Makanan
Jenama: Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast,Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks,Chesterfield, Collector's Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark,L&M, Players and Saratoga, C? e d'Or, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka,Malabar, Marabou, Prince
Fakta: 12 % keuntungannya adalah untuk Israel, Setiap hari perokok membelanjakan USD 800 juta untuk membeli rokok mereka, keuntungan purata 10% atau USD 80 juta sehari. JADI USD 9.6 JUTA DUIT PEROKOK PERGI KE ISRAEL SETIAP HARI
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut & KFC
Produk : Minuman
Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper
Fakta: Sejak 1966 Coca Cola meyokong penuh negara Israel. Coca Cola telah menerima anugerah tertinggi dari kerajaan Israel kerana lebih 30 tahun menyokong mereka serta membantah boikot Liga Arab terhadap Israel.
Syarikat : Nestle
Jenama: Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby, Nescafe, Maggie, Buitoni, Nestea, Freskies,Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, CoffeeMate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse &Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci BabyRuth,Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips
Fakta: Syarikat Swiss ini dimilikki 50.1% oleh syarikat Israel, Osem Investments. Pada tahun 2000 mengumumkan untuk melabur berjuta-jutadolar di Israel dalam R & D. Pada tahun Peter Brabeck-Letmathe bagi pihak Nestle menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Disney
Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun, Filem
Fakta: Pameran Walt Disney Millennium di Epcot Centre Florida menonjolkan Jerusalem sebagai ibu negara Israel. Kos US 8 juta untuk pameran ini dibiayai US
1.8 juta oleh Israel untuk menentukan isi kandungan pameran. Ini adalah kempen Israel menggunakan Disneyland untuk menguasai Jerusalem sepenuhnya.
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd.
Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut
Jenama: JC Penney , Carrefour Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap,Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old NavyDockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca
Fakta : Syarikat kain terbesar Israel. Pengasasnya Dov Lautman adalah kenalan rapat Presiden Israel ketika itu Ehud Barak.
Syarikat : Nokia
Produk : Telekomunikasi, talipon bimbit dan elektronik
Fakta : Nokia melabur begitu banyak di Israel dan memanggilnya PROJEK ISRAEL.
Syarikat : Danone
Produk: Makanan, minuman dan biskut = Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc,Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogart, HP foods, LEA& PERRINS, Sant? Galbani, Danao, Danette
Fakta: Pada tahun 1998 Franck Riboud bagi pihak Danone menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel, Netanyahu. Anugerah tertinggi negara Israel untuk syarikat yang memperkukuhkan ekonomi Israel.Institut Danone, satu institut Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan telah ditubuhkan di Israel pada tahun
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson
Produk : Kesihatan.
Fakta: Pada tahun 1998 Roger S. Fineon bagi pihak Johnson & Johnson,menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Revlon
Produk : Kosmetik
Fakta: Jutawan Ronald Perelman yang memilikki Revlon adalah seorang Zionis.Penyokong kuat Zionis Merupakan pemegang amanah Pusat Simon Wiesenthal Center yang menggunakan Holocaust untuk mendapatkan sokongan Zionisma dan Israel.
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner
Produk : Media Elektronik dan Cetak
Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine
Fakta: AOL memperuntukkan 30% daripada portfolio keuntungan di Israel. Pada tahun 1998 AOL menerima anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana MenteriNetanyahu.
Syarikat : IBM
Fakta: Mempunyai 1700 pekerja di Israel. Satu dari 3 syarikat yang disanjung semasa Jamuan Makan Malam Liga Persahabatan Amerika-Israel Untuk Demokrasi pada 25 Jun 2001 bersama Ariel Sharon.
Syarikat : L'Oreal
Jenama: Giorgio Armani, Lancome, Biotherm, Garnier, Helena Rubinstein, DonnaKaran, Vichy, Cacharel, Maybelline, Redken, La roche-posay, Carson
Fakta: Setelah disaman US 1.4 juta kerana menulis surat pada Liga Arab bahawa mereka menutup kilang di Israel, mereka kemudian melabur dengan begitu banyak di Israel. Kongres Yahudi Amerika amat berpuas hatidengan L? real dan menganggap mereka sahabat akrab.
Syarikat : Intel
Produk : Perkakasan komputer
Fakta : Intel adalah penyokong kuat Israel. Pusat pembangunan pertama di luar Amerika didirikan di Haifa pada 1974.
Syarikat : Est? Lauder
Jenama: Clinique, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Aramis, Origins, Ko Malone, La Mer,Prescriptives, Bobbi Brown Essentials, Aveda, Jane, MAC Cosmetics, KateSpade, Fragrances, Stila
Fakta :Pengerusinya, Ronald Lauder, pernah menjadi pengerusi Persidangan UtamaKesatuan Amerika Yahudi. Juga adalah presiden Tabung Kebangsaan Yahudiyang fungsinya ialah untuk menghalalkan pengambilan tanah rakyat Palestin oleh Israel.
Syarikat : News Corporation
Produk: 20th Century Fox, Star, SKY, New York Post, National GeographicChannel, News of the World, The Times, The Sun, Nursery World, Theweekly Standard, Daily Telegraph, Harper Collins
Fakta : Murdoch's New Corp. melabur dengan begitu banyak di Israel.
Syarikat : Kimberly-Clark
Produk : Huggies, Kotex, Kleenex, Scott, ANDREX products Freedom, Scottex
Fakta: Pada tahun 1998 Robert P. Van der Merwe , Pengerusi Kimberly Clark ,menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu,kerana sumbangan mereka dalam membangunkan ekonomi Israel.
Syarikat : Procter and Gamble
Produk : Kesihatan, sabun, syampu
Jenama: Head & Shoulders, Pert Plus, Pentain, Always, Tide, Crest,Pampers, Lux, Palmolive, Camay, Zest, Ariel, Fairy, Signal 2, close up,colgate, Monsieur Propre, Oil of Olaz, Petrol Hahn, Pringles,Sanicroix, Tampax, Tempo, Vicks, Vizir, Yes Swiffer, Ace, Action
500, Bonux, Mr Clean
MARS INC - Bounty, M&M's, Mars, Snickers, Twix, Uncle Ben's, Whiskas, Pedigree, Balisto, Brebbies
HASBRO - Parker, Pokemon, Star Wars, Episode I, Monopoly, Brothers, MB, Playskool, Tiger
GILETTE - Braun, Duracell, Gillette, Oral-B, Paper-Mate, Parker, Waterman
COLGATE PALMOLIVE - Ajax, Palmolive, Tahiti, Axion, Bingo, Fabe, Felire, La croix, Mennen, Murphy, Paic
Haagen ?Dazs Ben & Jerry? CAMPBELL Kellogg? Canderel Levis Raid Heinz
... ekceli ni just copy and paste jek.. i hv no such exact opinion actually about this. well, bile pikir² balik.. blog yg kite pakai ni jek dikendalikan oleh penyokong israel. google, yahoo, intel.. so basically wut im tryna say is kebanyakan menda yg kite pakai ni mmg perlu sesangat kebanyakan barang² ni la yg berkualiti tinggi. contoh cam barang Mark & Spencer. mmg sayur sume fresh. biskut die sedap..i don't do much groceries but my sister does. itu umpama jek. byk lagi la contoh lain. cume nak bg paham jek. so cemane nk wat eh.. takde jalan lain ker selain boikot. in anyway, pekerja yg kerja carefour, starbuck kat msia sume tu, kalu bisness tak jalan, habis la takde pekerja. so kesian gak. cemane eh nak wat..