Sunday, November 30, 2008
Dlm rumah pun mulut kuar asap ape cer..?
alangkah best nyer kalu dpt balik msia skang nih. dh tak tahan sgt dh nih. mati beku kalu camni . rimasnye pakai baju ni sume. dh le kene siap berejam. kalu kat msia kan senang jek. pakai short, t-shirt and selipar, settel.... pasang heater pun tak jalan. pasang kuat sangat demam lak. cemane ni nak wat.. tolong ler.. cemane org yg dok kat eskimo eh.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
todays story..
Hi everybody. today i'd like 2 share a story. promise it's a true story. just 2 share.
it was when i was 6teen. tht is form 4. i was in an ordinary school. Just around the house. not popular. not like all my brothers and sisters. they all get to go to a..hhmm. pretty famous school in JB. Like my eldest brother, he was in English College or Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar. both of my Elder sister and my youngest sister were in Sultan Ibrahim Girl School. and 2 of my younger brother were in Sekolah Dato' Ja'far. well me, i'm stuck in that stupid school. i know it's school anyway. I know ya might think that all depends on ourselve right. but i still think that the school suck. i'm not suppose to be there.
Anyway, my story.. at the age of 6teen. ya know like teenagers become something like out of control, rebels, fighting, disobedient.. etc. so, the goverment, they kinda have this Motivation Seminar for these kinda people. i don't know why i was chosen. only 3 of us from that school. i know y they chose the other 2 guys. hehe. Only boys from grade B school and below was chosen for this seminar. Like EC and SDJ excluded from this. each school have to send 3 most dangerous student.. hhmm dangerous.. mayb i'm not using the right word. but i think ya'll understand. something like that most dangerous, bad.. anything. i dnt know at first. i just knew it when i got to the place and asked the facilitator... when they call my name attend this the next week. i was kinda shocked. i said y me. i asked the teacher y me? she said, she don't know as well. she said just go. not anybody could go such thing like this for free. usually people have to pay for it. just think it positive take it like ya lucky. that's wut she said. i said ok. for a week.. i've been to lots of motivation classes and i don't think i need it anymore. but wut the hell. nothing to lose anyway. plus i get to not go to school.
On the day, early in the morning. my mom and dad send me to the place we supposed to gather. it was embarrasing. other people came by themselve.they'll think i'm Manja. but i dnt giv a damn.My mom insist to send me. to hell with other people. then the other 2 friend of mine came. oowh.. i thought it's only around JB.easy for me to escape.. but no.. actually it's in Malacca. hutan simpan air keroh Melaka. arrgh. My friend already pack 3 boxes of dunhill. enough for 5 days. when we got onto the bus, everybody starred at each other like we gonna have a fight or something. just imagine all the naughty pupils from other school. if ya asked each of them, they have they're own casses and stories. I just sit back and be cool. looking at each of them like i wanna punch their face right there. the bus stopped at Air Hitam for a drink. i know the place. i use to travel a lot by bus to KL. so tht's the common place for busses to stop for a drink or somthing. Me and Yazid my fren from school went back of the place for a smoke. then a few minutes later came another student from the bus. then came another, then another... and all the student were at the back of the coffee shop for a smoke.we became frens. since we're frens. so i thought nothing to b worried. tell ya later bout it... then when we got onto the bus. The nice facilitator said that he knows some of us bring cigarette (nicely). he asked us to put all the cigarette to the box given and they will give it back at the end of this seminar. So there goes our cigarette. but my fren yazid still keep one of the box wit him.
on the bus, on the way to that place, nothing happen. oohh. by the way.. we're all wearing school uniforms, that's how we know who's coming at the back of the coffee shop at the stop. ok let's continue. when we reach the place. the story begin. we all thought that's it. just us. actually we were combine with pupils from Kluang as well. As we got out from the bus, again the staring act again. the Kluang boys looking at us like dogs waiting for meat. we were about to fight. i really don't know y, but not even close yet the fierce angry lady facilitator that was already there, probably since morning shout and scream at us like 'korang buat ape tuh, nak gaduh, aku masokkan korang dlm longkang kang'. we all keep our mouth shut. hehe. i said to myself ' bole la ade bodyguard badan besar gajah kat blakang tuh'. we were given a shack. one shack for 4 person.....
ok skip all the boring things. like common seminar, ya know like introduction, briefing, take shower, go to pray, .. owh.. just for info. the place was Hutan Simpan. thou it's forrest but still have a Surau, shower, running tracks and and huts. i don't remember how we had our meal. i think they cooked it and we ate it on a table or mayb there's a hall. anyway, the first day was ok, nothing happened. on the 3rd day. there's a big fight among us. i don't understand how come nobody interupt, i mean no facilitator knows about this. they suppose to take care of us. look after us. wut if something happened like if somebody died on tht fight. at last we settled ourselve. thank god nobody badly injured. i just get a small bruce on the head. i slipped and knock my head onto a rock when i tried to hit this one guy.. ooh, i remember. that day was free day. we can go out anywhere we want. so i went out to buy some cigarette and hv a coffee at a stall nearby. well not near. quite far actually. the night before we were having this 'burung hantu'. i bet everybody know this. where ya hv to walk in a very dark place and they'll place each of us alone in different place. it was interesting. i played it before. it wasn't tht scary. it's different 'burung hantu'. we were blind folded and somebody place us somewhere. and they make scary sound. but i know i'm still near school. so im not afraid. i just act like i'm afraid. hehe. but this time. it's a bit scary. coz we were not blind folded. it's really dark. no light. no nothing. just the moon. i can't see a thing. owh i forgot to tell, our watch and some other stuff was taken on the first day of the seminar. so we neva know wut anytime. we just that is morning or evening or night. ok continue the story... we were given password and they make us confuse with the password like at first he said 'lembu hijau'. then he changed it to 'lembu kuning' then ungu. i remembered, the last one was 'lembu ungu'. the password used to acknowledge the right person to speak to. if you hear other than that, it might be somebody else or something else.hehe. scary huh. like when we were place then suddenly somebody came and say hi or something and ya hv to asked them 'lembu ape?'. that's hard isn't it. then it begun.. i remember my other fren from school zarir behind me. after a while like 20minits walk he was gone. i dn't feel him holding my back anymore. then i was asked to sit. i saw the lights in front of me getting far and far. i know that we are on the running track in the middle of the jungle. i can't see a thing. well honestly, i'm not afraid of the ghost at that time. i'm more concern about the insect or snake or anything like that. i was tired and bored. so i lie down watching the moon. after a while seems like i can see the shape of the tree and road. i thought if walked on this path, i probably found my fren who was left before me. then i start walking slowly.. just as i thought.. i can see him, well not clearly, but i know it's him. then i sat down and accost him. he didn't reply. shivering. hehe. the 3rd time i greet him then he start talking and asked me 'lembu ape?' . i said 'lembu biru air laut'. i told him not to be afraid, they just playing wit us. dnt worry bout it. after i convince him that it was me, then he start ok. hehe. then i try to find some others. i told him to sit wait till i come back. but he was afraid, hehe. i said dnt worry. just a sec. i went further behind and find other. same thing happen. but he's alert quickly he knows it's me. then we went back to zarir. hangout for a while talking stupid things. quite long i think. like 2 hours or something. when we saw light coming from behind we quickly back to our place. when it finished, they said some of us were lost. couldn't find. all because of our fault. i think they just made it up. they found it in the morning in the surau. it could be themselve. they also said that actually we are near to the local aborigine cemetary. i dnt giv a shit. i'm not afraid. not being brave. just that i know they playing. i believe in ghost and everything. but i believe they only hunt us to make us lost in religion. if ya afraid means tht ya not strong.
back to story... the next 2 days i was sick. i didn't go and join wut they doin. i heard they playing this.. it's not a game. it is like the burung antu but this time the student were taken out from the place or the jungle and they have to go back to the their shade themselve. i heard it was pretty scared too. but i should be more scared. coz i was left alone in the shack and the last 2 facilitator who gave me some panadol were talking to each other. i don't know if they intentionally saying it in front of me or what but they were talking the path that the boys are going to use are the most haunted place that is just near by the shack and they just left me like that. i dnt giv a shit. i just sleep and imagining a princess come to me and ask me to marry.. hahahha. well nothing happened. i slept till subuh.
then other boring games on the next day but that night and it was the last night. we are having this kind like a campfire. we sit around together. at that time, all of us were unite. no more fighting. we sit like brothers. only i dnt feel any different. i dnt feel motivated at all. coz i already know most of the thing that they're doin. anyway, that night the lead facilitator giving his motivation speech with emotional and this one time he was talking about, well he asked 2 facilitator men and women to lie down. he ask us to imagine that is our parents dying. almost everybody was crying. i was laughing. even my fren Farid sitting beside me looked at me weirdly asked me why i'm not crying. i said y shud i. he started laugh wit me. then he understand. this one guy he cry. he really imagine that the facilitator was his parents. so he went to this men facilitator and asked for forgiveness. i saw there's another student who was not crying at first. then suddenly he start to look sad when he saw this happened and suddenly he straight to this women facilitator. now i know. he just made it up. the women facilitator quite pretty. no wonder. why didn't i think of that. hehe. the faci can't do anything. hahah. just imagine. hahah. stupid huh. the next day. was the last day. it was the farewell session. everybody seems sad. Kluang boys and JB boys were united. i still remember they said something like.. ' lu org turun kluang, don't worry, wa cover lu org'. then some of said the same thing. 'lu org pun same la. sebut jek nama wa, kalu turun kampung melayu ke, turun bando ke, tara hal, wa byk kaum'.. everybody seem sad but at the same time tryna show off. but seriously, they all coming from bad backround. like robbing, stealing, drugs, gang members,.. all those kinda thing. that's why it's kinda funny when a real gangster cry on the last day of seminar..hehehe. but untill now, i really dnt know y i was chose to this. am i bad..?nah..
the moral of the story..
-eventhou ya been to lot of motivation class and such we still have so much to learn.
-No matter how bad or dangerous ya are, there must be something nice or soft inside us.
-remember that your worst enemy could be your best friends.
-make a lot of friends not enemy.
........ mybe somebody could add something from wut we learn here.
Monday, November 24, 2008
teori ari nih..
theory of the day : 'nak lentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya'
this phrase refers to people who wants to train somebody, usually their own kids. Train them when they're still small. Usually more about physical training. their body still easy to stretch and fresh. plus it's easy to learn from the very beginning.
but wut if the kid actually doesn't want this. i mean like for example. we trained our kid to play soccer. turns out when grow up he/she wants to b a dancer. we waste a lot of money, send for training, personal attention. waste time. then suddenly all just gone.
but if if it turns out perfectly the way we wanted. it's a dream comes true. probably can be the best of the not easy to be the best. i remember the story of Dato' Sidek family. the whole family plays badminton. only the eldest sister not playing i guess. i read the book bout them. Misbun the first boy. doesn't want to play badminton. he prefer other games like takraw and soccer. same with jailani. who wants to play takraw actually. Razif always listen to his father. trained hard. got scholar to sports school since form 1. after jailani is Rahman. not very famous but still manage to play to MSSM level. then Rashid. he played very well and heard he makes millions now with his talent. so wut their father did was a success eventhough a lot of forcing involve.
i always thought. if i get the chance to be a kid again. i would probably train myself to be something. soccer for example. who knows i might be like Christiano Ronaldo or Ronaldhinio. I may got Dato' for my achievement. Can ya imagine.. Dato' Harris Zaharey(cam kene lak). people look at me. everybody loves me. Married to a super model. tht's not possible anymore. there's no way i can do it anymore now. ok now. bye..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
cerita due malam..
Bosan² lepas smayang jumaat hari jumaat tu. saya pun rilek² jenjalan sorang² kat banda dublin tuh. tgk² kalu ade menda bole buat. tp cam biase jek, sume menda sama jek ade. org men gitar tepi jalan, pastu ade yg wat aksi patung. memacam jenis patung ade. tp sume dh penah tgk. selain tuh, ade la sale sane sini. nak beli, takde duit lak. eventhou discount pun still duit kan. cukop la beli brg penneys mase pagi tuh. dlm tengah² jln tu la something happened.
tetiba ade seorang awek spanish tegur. Memula wat bodo la. ingat die tegur org lain ke. mane tau kan.. kat tengah banda ni sikit punye ramai manusia. pastu kang kalu jawab pun nanti cam perasan lak. jap agi die panggil lagi. 'excuse me, your name is Harris rite'. pastu saya jawab la cam biase. ' yes, tht's rite, but i'm sorry i don't your name' kinda blur gak time tuh. apsal die kenal lak. rase tak penah lak jumpe kat Class ke memane ker. muke ala² sofia jane pun ade.body hot tp pakaian agak sopan la berbanding ngan kebanyakan org kat sini. even Malaysian kat sini pun lagi dasat dressup. die pakai t-shirt body shop kat dlm pastu long bubble jacket hitam(tak bape bubble sgt la), jeans topshop ngan boot tinggi. ok la kan. pastu die ajak gi minum. die tanye kenal die tak. kalu tak kenal takpe la. nanti leh kenal2.. ooo pastu die leh ckp melayu skit². takde la fasih sangat. tp ok la.takde la cam mat salleh baru blaja ckp melayu. mesti korang cam tak caya kan citer nih. kalu xnak teruskan baca pun takpe. tak paksa. ok la. so saya pun ikut la. kitorang minum kat starbuck dame street. cool la situ. mase tu pun cam awal lagi. baru kol 2.30pm. tak gelap lagi. ekceli cam takut gak nak ikut. mane tau die nak jual ke ape ke kan. dah la lame tak gi gym, dh tak kuat dh. nk defend diri pun dah tak kuat. mase kat starbuck tuh die pun start la citer. ooh.. jap kitorang minum yg tengah promotion skang nih... cherry chocolate cuppucino sempena hari natal tak lama lagi.. hah.. ni yg korang tunggu² kan ape yg die nak ckp kan. ekceli die ckp la. die perkenalkan diri die Aisyah. Muslim rupenye. tp cun gile, tak pakai tudung. english die ok la. better la dari saya ni kan. die dari spain. die ckp 20tahun lepas die penah dok malaysia. kite penah satu kelas sampai darjah 4. die ckp die mmg dh lame cari saya. dulu penah die try cari saya mase thn 2000. saya takde. saya kat KL. die tau rumah saya kat Jb. die try la amik no phone mobile saya mase tu. tp tak dpt. maybe ntah mmg nasib takde. myb saya dh cut line tepon mase tu kot. die try cari saya kat umah sewa kat kl. tp jumpe. die pun takleh lame, pasal die saje dtg cuti mase die blaja. so die balik spain. pastu bile saye pikir² balik. baru la saya teringat. die ni cam kawan baik saya la dulu mase skolah rendah. apsal tak cam and tak ingat langsung eh. hhmm.. skolah rendah kan. mane nak ingat sey. tp cemane die leh ingat. muka saya confirm la berubah kan. makin hensem ke tak tu tak tau la. die ckp saya ni best sangat. die tak penah kawan ngan orang cam saya. tp mase tu kecik lagi sey. perkataan sex pun tak tau lagi. eh.. ke dh tau eh. tau kot. penah tertengok mase abang saya pasang kat umah member die. biase la mase kecik dulu slalu nak follow abang gi memane. saya ni jadi alasan utk abang kuar umah. konon kalu ade saya die takde la wat keje² tak baik cam isap okok ke, main mercun ke, tengok citer lucah ker. saya lak jenis ikut jek. oo anyway. pasal yg awek tuh. hah. mase kecik. mane tau pape kan. kawan jek la. die ckp saya ni matured gile die rase mase tuh. byk la citer die. byk la perkara mengimbas kembali zaman tu. Pikir² balik cam dlm drama lak ade scenario camni. pelik pun ade. bole lak jumpe kat sini. dlm bebanyak tempat kat dunia nih. ekceli die citer la. die penah kawin. husband die org spain gak. takde anak. tp husband die meninggal. kene tembak. husband die salah sorang ahli kumpulan kongsi gelap kat spain tuh. die takde la tak cinta kat husband die. die kawen pun cam lebih kurang ikut mak bapak punye choice la. ingatkn kat msia jek ade camtu. kat spain pun ade eh. pastu kitorang jenjalan, sampai ke dundrum kitorang jalan. eh takde la jalan. i mean naik Luas la(tramp). tp jauh gak la. penah jek jalan kaki dari sane balik town. 2jam gak la jalan lelaju. pastu malam tuh balik dari dundrum kitorang hangout kat tepi quay. best gile. mmg mengidam nak lepak ngan awek kat tepi quay tuh. ni la pes time. dh la ngan awek cun lak tuh. kalu org tgk mesti jeles gile nyer. die tinggal kat area smithfield. saya pun dh mula la jatuh cinta. walaupun kenal dh lame. tp rase cam org baru la kenal kan. pasal dulu lain. dulu kecik. skang due² dh besor. ade perasaan dan naluri.mase kat quay tu happy sgt. tak penah rase feel camtuh. tu la pes time. a'ah eh. lupe lak nak citer pasal quay nih. ekceli quay ni sungai yg besar gak la kat tgh bandar dublin nih. kat Bandar cork pun ade. design lebih kurang jek. kat ireland ade 3 bandar besar iaitu dublin,cork ngan galway. besar tak besar la. bandar muar rase lagi besar kot. nak lwn Kuala Lumpur jauh skali kot. ooo ok sambung. quay tu kan river, pastu ade tempat jalan kaki pastu bench yg panjang kat situ. so saya lepak la situ bersama awek tuh. rase cam dh kapel lak. cam pasangan burung merpati bahagia lah. lame gak kitorang lepak. Kol 11 baru gerak dari situ. dh ler sejuk nak mati. awek nyer psl ilang sume sakit. hehehe. malam tuh saya anta la die balik kat smithfield market. eh saya dh citer belom eh. die dok 2 orang jek. ngan member die. diorang wat medic. kat trinity college. mase nak blah tu sempat la saya hug die and bagi satu kiss kat pipi die. cool kan. cam citer kt dlm movie jiwang² tuh. sambil on the way saya gerak gi umh member kat jervis tuh, sambil tu la kitorang bebual kat tepon. sampai battery kong. padahal baru jek charge pagi tuh. mase kat umh member tu tak byk citer la. takde la nk citer kat sesape menda nih. wat dang jek la. biase la. member kat umh tu baru beli tv baru. ade sony bravia baru full HD. pastu beli cakera blue ray Transformer main kat PS3. siap cable pun baru utk HDMI. bape caret gold ntah.. mahal kabel tuh. 130euro. pakai emas tuh. jual pun best gak nih. heheh. ok la skip citer umah tuh. esok pepagi die call. die ajak gi minum lagi. saya pun tanpa berlengah lagi bersiap la. siap pow minyak wangi member umh tuh. heheh. wangi gile. confirm die nak cemolot nyer. takde la. takkan la kan. ok.. kitorang jalan area henry street lak. pastu kitorang gi makan. tau tak kat mane.. kat mulut. hahahahah. mmg la kat mulut takkan kat tempat lain lak kan(nak wat lawak tak jadi). ekceli kitorang makan kat restoran jepun nih. tu la. nak gi jepun jauh sangat. ade restoran ala² jepun pun ok la. die banje lagi. dh le smalamnye die bayar all. siap offer nak menda pape lain lagi. kaya gile ke die nih. die ckp pasal saya ni best. even baru jumpe balik pun die rase saya ni masih cool. dari kecik sampai besar sama jek cool. makin cool pun ade die ckp. rase bangga pun ade. tp cool tu mmg ade la. pastu kitorang jenjalan lagi. sampai dh lepak gile jalan. tp nak jalan gak lagi. cam tak puas lak hangout ngan die. petang tu yg dh malam. like 5pm. dh gelap gile. so saya ckp saya anta balik lagi la. lame sgt kuar nih. mase kat umh die tuh.. tetiba die ajak saya naik. memula cam pikir taknak gak. tp lelame.. wut the hell. slambe jek la. so lepak la. umh die besar. member die saya jumpe. nama maria. muke cun gak. cam julia rais pun ade. pastu cool gak cam die. senyum jek. happy jek. cam takde masalah langsung. tp kan. org ckp slalu org camni la yg ade masalah. taknak citer masalah jek. hall die besar. bilik ade 2. kire sorang satu la. bilik air 2. dapur pun terbaik. sewa takde la mahal sgt. saya rase kurang selesa. so mintak tuala. then mandi. slalu mmg kurang selesa kalu kuar jenjalan ke ape. mesti nak mandi after tht. pasal badan berlengas. walaupun tak berpeluh. psl sejuk nak mati dh skang kat luar. walaupun belum betul² winter lagi. bile dh mandi air panas tu baru syok skit. segar jek rase. sambil saya mandi tu, rupenye die masak. makanan spain la. nasi tapi masakan spain. die tau org melayu suke nasi kan. pastu ade udang ngan muscles. seafood la. die takde ayam halal. member die kristian. die jenis sebat jek. cume khinzir jek die tak makan. ayam katok sume sebat jek. so dlm peti ais ade ayam ngan daging katok jek. so after makan kitorang layan movie. citer sisterhood travelling pants2. .. cool la layan ngan die. due2 best. die ngan kawan die. pastu ade gitar kat umah die. saya suh die main. terer la die main. tak sangka lak kan. pastu saya pun tunjuk la bakat skit. ehehe. main la beberapa lagi yg jiwang skit. pastu ade la campur2 lagu melayu skit. die ckp suare saya best. tak tau la nak bodek ker ape. tp nak bodek ape. die yg banje sume. wutelse she want kan. jgn die pancing pastu jual saya cam citer hostel tu dah ler. tp diorang ni baik. takde nampak cam org jahat pun. pastu dkt kol 11 gitu hangout kat bilik die lak. bilik die pun cool. tema bilik hitam. die suka hitam putih. die ckp, pasal hitam nampak elegant.tgk die jenis org simple jek. takde la jenis yg over tuh. make up pun skit² jek. nak tido ofcourse la die pakai pyjamas kan. cute gile die pakai pyjamas. tetiba tgh citer² saya terlelap. pastu terjaga kol 2 pagi camtuh. smua dh gelap. die tengah peluk saya. pastu saya ingat nak blah la gi depan tido kat sofa ke kan.. slow² angkat tangan die. takut die terjaga. baru nak gerak jek. die tarik saya. taknak bagi blah. pastu die tarik muka saya and kiss me. fulamak. ni lagi la cam dlm citer omputeh kat tv amerika. ........
hhmmm.. dh la.. penat la nak citer.. ekceli sume citer kat atas ni tipu jek. hahahah. ekceli dh penat . takde idea nak tulis ape. pastu reka² la citer. kire kalu korang tak caya dari awal tu betul la. takkan la ade awek spain nak kenal. kat skolah rendah mane ade member foreigner.tipu jek sume tuh. hahah. mmg tak jadi pun lawak ni. yg betul nye saya takde citer menarik nak citer. lepas lepak umh member tuh time update blog sblom smayang jumaat tu saya siap trus gi smayang. then hangout gi umh member. ade la citer yg skit betul. cam member beli tv sony baru siap beli cable mahal tu mmg betul. main kat ps3. siap beli movie transformer blue ray. padahal dvd original dh ade. tp nak gamba lagi jelas. beli blue ray lak. sound system pakai din nyer Bose. puas ati la tengok. sharp gile gambar. ok la kengkawan sume. saya nak tido. bye.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Orale Carnal..
Hi everyone. hehe. me doin' pretty fine. Just still not working. screw the title. i dnt know wut to put on the title. anyway. yesterday i was at this coffee shop after an interview at dublin 14. well the coffee shop is in city centre. not important anyway. ok .. i was lookin' pretty good actually hehe. anyway at the coffee shop, the waitress looks interested hehe (perasan). i'm not always get tht kinda service before this. there were 2 waitress who serv me. one make me a coffee and the other one make me a cake. only i didn't get any discounts. well thts not my story actually. my story is actually about .. ok the conversation was like this... hehe
waitress : here' s the coffee sir. enjoy(wit big smile)
me: thank you very much ( smile too)
waitress: oohh by the way. you're from Mexico are ya?
me: Oh no miss, do i sound like one?
waitress: no.your english is very good, but you look like south American or something, no?
me: owh, no miss. I'm from Malaysia.
waitress: myb you're mix or ya grandparents..
me:well i'm not sure 'bout tht, but i heard my great granparents from holland. (mula la menipu, hahhaha, padahal mmg tak tau pun, myb kot ade, mane tau kan)
see, nobody believes me when i told them. And actually that was not the first. most people at the gym thought i'm from spain. some say i'm Latin American. this one time i met an ex-marine. he said that i don't look asian. so far most people here thought tht i'm no asian only when there's msian around me. hehe.
p/s: perasan jek, kalu dah boyan, boyan jugak kan. cume boyan ni yg ensem nyer la. heheh
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
what's your age?
I was asked by my 6 years old niece this afternoon about my age.
Niece: Pa' De, what is your age?
me: I'm.......... . Ameera, i'm not saying you're wrong
but usually when people ask about age they'll said like how old are you.
Niece: but Pa'de, old is for old people. it'll make you look old.
Me: ??????(betul jugak die ni cakap eh).
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fairies Are Real...

My sister bought a Tinkerbell dvd's included wit books about fairies for Ameera( my niece of course). In the book on the first chapter says that Fairies Are Real. They give examples like why there's a drops on leaves in the morning where there was no rain on the night before or how can there be colours of rainbow unless if there's something painted it and many more reasons. My niece really believed it and she even accused me of lying because the book say so. well i get to watch the movie while waiting for my sister to get home. Quite interesting maybe because i love peter pan when i was a kid. Tinkerbell is one of the character. In this movie it explains more about this fairies. there so many fairies and there are kinds of fairies. like Tinkerbell, she's a tinker fairies. there's also water fairies, light fairies, wind fairies and many more. they all get to go to the mainland except thinker fairies. Thinker fairies only do pots and machine or create something to help other fairies and they have no duties in mainland. Tinkerbell was chosen to be thinker fairies but she wanted to go to the mainland........ well i'm not gonna tell the whole story. lets get to the conclusion shall we. Actually wut i'm tryna tell here is. My niece is wrong. hahah. how come there are no seasons in malaysia, spring,summer, autumn and winter.This is so unfair. how can fairies be unfair. or mayb this movies are not for asian countries. the fairy suppose to make all seasons possible everywhere. like in Malaysia, there's only sunny and rainy everyday. mayb malaysia is too far. .. hhmmm... y im arguing wit my niece?.. she's 6 .. arrghhh.. y i'm posting this entry anyway.. hhmm..
Sunday, November 2, 2008
sian member my fren sorang ni kat msia. die kene interbiu kat melodi. pasal protes homophobic kat gig hujan. ekceli bukan la protes semata². just to educate org pasal homophobic nih. ekceli bukan gig hujan jek. byk gak gig² lain yg die and rakan² die buat action cam nih. yg tak best nyer interbiu tuh hanya tunjuk part yg die ckp menda tak bagus. padahal part paling penting yg die nk explen tak kuar pun. tu le media. nak laga² org mmg suke. diorang tak anti pun hujan. cam rakan² kat jb yg maki hujan mase kat gig. hah tu pun lagi satu. bile hujan kene maki kat jb.. satu jb org pandang slek. even komen² kat youtube kutuk bebudak jb gile². rase cam tak best lak. padahal kat memane pun bukan kat jb jek bebudak tak suka hujan. me as johorean pun rase cam tak best lak. tapi gi mati la kan sape yg tak suke bdk jb pun kan. salah satu sbb, dengar citer la, pasal noh ckp die anti kaum perhubungan sejenis nih(gay). pasal member ni lak. sian gak die. pasal penat die ngan member² die buat explenation tp tak tunjuk betul2 ape yg diorang explen. cam tension gak jadi diorang. salah satu explen diorang, dlm bebanyak fan diorang mesti ade nyer gay. so ape perasaan gay tu kan. dh la myb dia support hujan ni ngan beli cd ke, baju hujan ke. jadi fanclub ke. pastu bebudak hujan benci diorang. kan cam tak best kan. media lak memandai jek cakap. diorang ni yg protes hujan ade kat memane gig hujan. sanggup dtg ke jb ke ke sarawak ke. padahal org yg protes tu lain². cemane org nk caya media kalu camni. but eveybody knows. kalu korang nak tgk interview tu ade kat melodi 2nd november nyer. bole search kat at the same time bole tgk comment my fren ni kat blog die . oohh by the way. just nak explen kat korang. I'm no Homophobic. but doesn't mean i support them. i just don't hate them. Just to share wit ya guys. there are some of these people who try to get to know me. i said i don't mind. but then, when they asked something like they wanna have sex wit me, and that's scary. just imagine if ya received a text msg say something like ' i can't wait you f%*k my back like doggy style'. that is sooo freaky, plus he's married and have kids. .. i don't know why this thing happened or how they gonna change. i'm not in their position. well, ya damn right it is wrong. but shud we punish them. i just believe tht if we really wanna do something bout it we can do something like educate them like send them to religious school or something or mayb there some other way to help them. I don't know. send the expert on this. but not by hatred or discriminate or anything like that. so wut da ya think..? do you know how it feels to b discriminate. mayb ya do. but some people just couldn't take it. it feels like somebody put a knife on ya heart and that is like killing. so da ya wanna kill them, i know bout religious. i do understand but does islam teach us to the same like fitnah and fitnah is a greater sin than killing.... educate them. there are lot's of ways to do it. there are lots of expert in Malaysia. y don't people take some action on this. well the good think about in this western people, they aware of all this kinda thing. like yesterday, a football match Celtic againts Heart. before the game start all players holds a big red card and in the card say something like 'giv Racism a red card' and lift it up to show support for the anti- racist.
so again i said.. i'm no homophobic.. but i doesn't mean i support them. ok. gotta go..
so again i said.. i'm no homophobic.. but i doesn't mean i support them. ok. gotta go..
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